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Charles darwin books free download.The Origin of Species


The Autobiography of Charles Darwin is the autobiography of the British naturalist Charles Darwin which was published in , five years after his death. Charles Darwin was just 22 when he went on his first voyage around the world in Darwin's father at first refused to allow his young son to go on the voyage. A book on evolutionary theory by English naturalist Charles Darwin, first published in It was Darwin's second great book on evolutionary theory, following his work, On The Origin of Species.

Part 2 of 3 of a book on evolutionary theory by English naturalist Charles Darwin, first published in The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals is a book by Charles Darwin, published in , concerning genetically determined aspects of behaviour.

Charles Darwin was appointed naturalist aboard the H. Beagle , which left England in to map Follow Us On. Get all 60 of our published audio books for free: Download 60 Free Audio Books. Search Go. In , at the age of 22, Charles Darwin began his scientific experience with a singular adventure: a voyage around the world. On board the Beagle, as a naturalist, the researcher would begin to keep a detailed diary during the five-year voyage.

From this adventure he would obtain the knowledge and evidence that would later allow him to establish his evolutionary theory. Both the comparative analysis of American finches and the discovery of marine fossils in the Andean peaks were essential milestones, as described in The Voyage of the Beagle , in the development of his discoveries. In short, On the Origin of Species was a milestone in the scientific world and in the way history was known until then.

In these pages, the author expounded his theory on natural selection and argues that species were not created by a divine force, but that in the beginning there were simpler forms that mutated and evolved over time to adapt to the environment. This masterpiece is the most influential book in natural history and, therefore, in the history of mankind.

The main thesis put forward by Darwin in this book was that humans shared physical and structural attributes with other primates. The researcher reached this conclusion based on the data he extracted from studies of embryology, comparative anatomy and physiology.

Ahead of the discussions on the origin of mankind, Darwin hinted in his book that the first ancestors of man had lived on the African continent, an assumption that would be confirmed during the 20th century by discoveries in the field of paleoanthropology.

In The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication , Darwin concluded by affirming that of all the reasons or causes that had generated the differences in external aspects between human lineages, and to a certain extent between these and lower animals, the most effective had been sexual selection.

This book by Charles Darwin represents one of the richest sources of current biological thought. It is a work in which the researcher clarifies the origin of plant and animal life, which was lost in myths and legends. Charles deduced, simultaneously with Wallace, the process of evolution of the species through the selection of the fittest individuals, presenting a set of facts that removed what for centuries was considered the truth about the origin of man.

An essential text, The Descent of Man constitutes a continuity between the human species and other animals. This work tries to answer the question of what place do we occupy in this evolutionary history? Expressions generated mainly in primates and in domestic animals such as cats, dogs, horses, etc.

In addition, this book also explains the origin and development of these actions. The results and the comparison of them, allowed Darwin to identify several universal facial expressions, which points to a common origin and also supports the theory of evolution by natural selection, which is what the author intended with this research.

As an additional point, the information contained in this book, as well as its evolutionary interpretation, challenged head-on the racist beliefs of the time. This book was first printed in , although the text originally appeared as an essay in the 9th volume of the Journal of the Linnean Society.

One of the purposes of its writing was to produce evidence for his theory of natural selection. Darwin devoted much time to the study of plants, concentrating on a particular type of climber, and also set in motion several experiments to explore their development in an evolutionary context. Among the conclusions of The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants is that the habit of spontaneous revolving of stems and tips has evolved in many groups of plants to obtain light and to achieve a greater support.

To which Darwin asserted that plants acquire and display their power of movement only when it is advantageous to them. In it he explores the behavior and ecology of earthworms, their role in soil formation, etc. To gather the information expressed in the book, Darwin conducted experiments indoors by placing the soil in pots. He was fascinated by the complex behavior of earthworms and determined that when under a strong light source they entered their burrows.

He also studied their food preferences, with raw carrots being their favorite. In his conclusions he mentions that earthworms have played a more important role in the history of the world than most people assume, intervening in processes such as: the decomposition of rocks, the gradual denudation of land, the preservation of archaeological remains and the improvement of soil conditions for plant growth.

The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species is a book that was first published in , being one of his six books devoted exclusively to the study of plants. One of the purposes of its completion was the search for evidence to support his theory of natural selection. This work was the result of a wide range of experiments and observations on plants. Even today, many of these experiments continue to deepen the understanding of the phenomena expressed in it.

In his studies, Darwin concentrated on two divisions of the hermaphroditic class: the cleistogamic and heterostyled. In his conclusions and results, he explains how evolution in some species favored different forms of flowers to facilitate their reproduction. It is the second in a series of books on geology.

Geological Observations on Volcanic Islands consists of 7 chapters in which Darwin describes his observations during his travels to various volcanic districts, visiting places such as the volcanic island of St.

In these places Darwin was able to satisfy his curiosity and enrich his knowledge, gathering information about the topography, characteristics of the area, etc.


Charles darwin books free download.Charles Darwin Audio Books

  In addition, this book also explains the origin and development of these actions. In his conclusions and results, he explains how evolution in some species favored different forms of flowers to facilitate their reproduction.❿     ❿
